We have found ourselves in a difficult times. We have to stay at home and wait with optymism for coming back to our normal live. We still don’t know how it will change after the pandemy but one of the most important things is that we will be able to play rugby again! And meet our friends on the training grounds. As orgnizers of Krakow Sevens tournament we want to reassure you that we are watching the situation and stay optimistic about the 2nd edition of our tournament in September.
As our tournament is planned for 4-6th of September we are keeping an eye on the current situation and we will keep you inform via this website, our Facebook page and emails. We are waiting for information when sports will be allowed in Poland and when there will be possibility to open the borders so our friends from different parts of the World can join us during this celebration of rugby 7’s!
At the moment the plan is to keep the date. We are making all necessary arrangaments so we can meet again in Krakow. There is still plenty of time so let’s all keep our fingers crossed so it was possible! We still have hope and good attitude and we believe that that energy will bring us all together again this Septmeber!
While waiting for more news to come – tak care and stay strong!